Sanctuary /n/:
1. A place of rest and protection.
2. A place to encounter God.
Join us on Sundays at 9:45am
Address: 125 McDowell Loop, Parkerville
Secondary Campus, Mundaring Christian College
We are learning to do life with Jesus, together with others, for the sake of our neighbours and beyond.
We meet at the Secondary Campus of Mundaring Christian College. We participate regularly in the life of the school sharing God’s love in practical ways and inviting people into a new life of faith, hope and love.
We are a member of Baptist Churches Western Australia. We are connected to a rich history of churches committed to saying ‘yes’ to Jesus in their community. You can read about our beliefs at Baptist Churches Western Australia.
Pastor: Dan McGrechan
Contact us: hello@sanctuarychurch.com.au
sunday Mornings
We start with a coffee at 9:45am. By 10am, we move into intentional conversation, worship, communion, Bible reading, teaching and prayer. We finish up at 11am.
We include kids and youth in our gathering and have a dedicated children’s program once per month. We are learning how to be a multi-generational church. There are break out rooms for parents and families.
Here’s a playlist of worship songs we are singing together at the moment.
Helpful links
Would you like to get baptised? Read more here.
The church has money set aside for helping people and supporting mission. You can apply here.
Would you like to become a member? Apply here.
We are committed to creating a Safe Church environment. You can read our policy here.
We rely on the donations of our members to support the church and make a difference in our community. You can give online here to our general offering or to our missional giving beyond the church. Credit card payments are anonymous. Alternatively, you can use these details to make a transfer.
BSB: 704922 Acc: 100015663